Various spatial models exist to describe how colors are distributed, each with unique characteristics and applications.
The HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and LCh (Lightness, Chroma, Hue) models used in EX KANSEI are structured as follows:
HSV (Hue | Saturation | Value)
LCh (Lightness | Chroma | Hue)
Compared to HSV, LCh is closer to human visual perception, and thus, we recommend using LCh in this software.
For instance, in HSV, yellow may appear brighter while blue or purple looks darker, even at the same value. In contrast, LCh allows brightness comparisons across different colors to be more consistent.
Characteristic | HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) | LCh (Lightness, Chroma, Hue) |
Components | Hue, Saturation, Value | Lightness, Chroma, Hue |
Primary Use | Design tools, UI design, image editing | Color management, quality control, precise color evaluation |
Color Representation | Intuitive manipulation but does not fully align with visual perception | Faithful to human vision, providing natural color representation |
Visual Consistency | Appearance varies by hue even with the same saturation and value | Designed to align visual differences accurately |
Advantages | Intuitive, easy to use, and simple RGB conversion | Precise visual evaluation of color differences, suitable for quality control |
Disadvantages | Lacks visual consistency, unsuitable for accurate color evaluation | Complex conversion to/from RGB or HSV, unsuitable for real-time processing |
Fields of Use | Digital design, computer vision | Printing, product development, areas requiring precise color reproduction |